Friday, May 6, 2011

Looking Ahead

I am just astonished how fast this semester went.  I know we are not suppose to play catch up, but I have two more posts I have to do.  I however felt I needed to say I had a fabulous semester and really enjoyed this English class.  I learned so much this semester and I grew as a writer.  I never knew I could learn so much about my writing.  I realized this semester that procrastination is not the key to good writing.  I also realized that I love having my work critiqued before I turn it in.

I also wanted to mention that I enjoyed reading everyone's blog.  I tried to sneak on every week regardless if I wrote or not on mine.  You all are great writers and I can see we have all improved on our writing.  I wish you all the best, and God Bless!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Fallacies are Common in Advertising World!

A lot of times we don't even realize we see fallacies everyday.  The most common form of fallacies is the appeal to authority or celebrity.  Celebrities endorse products all the time that we hardly notice it anymore, like Michael Jordon in the Hanes underwear commercials.  Other ones are Bounce who endorse Loreal color in a box.  I mean serious she doesn't use that product, and Drew Barrymore for Covergirl who most likely does not use the product since she can afford the best make up.  My favorite the Marilyn Monroe who advertised Lustre-Creme Shampoo.

Friday, April 1, 2011


I haven't been this sick in awhile.  I have missed a lot of work and concentrating on school work has been very hard.  Also not being able to go do things has been a huge bummer, but thank God for an amazing boyfriend and family to keep me entertained with movies, games, good conversation, and food. 

Thor is a bit bigger and longer hair.  Long Hair Chihuahua/Merle Coat

Oh and I can't forgot my lovely dog who makes me laugh through out the day with his little habits like running around the couch as fast as he can, cuddling under the blankets with me when I want to take a nap, and giving me kisses to make sure I'm still with it.  His favorite thing about me being sick is the spoonful of ice cream I let him have. 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The self image is huge in this day and age.  And well its been huge since the beginning of time.  I however believe its become even worse in now.  Girls are trying to look like women in the magazine who have been touched up, and men are trying to be like sport stars by taking steroids, etc.  My thought is people need to realize God made them and that they are gorgeous in his eyes and should be gorgeous in their own eyes.  We were made in His image.  We all are suppose to be different and that's what makes us beautiful. 

I use to hate how I looked growing up, but I realized I am gorgeous and completely happy with who I am and how I look.  We all go through a time when we wish we could change something about ourselves and well frankly that's part of growing up.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Good Ol' Spring Break

Well, my Spring break is not to exciting.  I will be working Monday thru Friday like usual.  I will also be working ahead on some school work and working out.  I hope my man and I will be getting to see each other more and go do some fun things like an excursion to the cities to maybe see a game, movie or go eat some fabulous food.  If anything else goes on I'm sure I will make a post about it.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


I think family is super important to a persons upbringing.  I know I wouldn't be who I am without my family.  I learned more from my family then I have with school.  When I say that, I mean I learned more valuable life lessons from my family than in school.  My parents have always told me to be proud of who I am and what I stand for.  Show everyone respect and be kind.  Don't pass judgements on others, because you may not know their whole story. Treat others as you want to be treated.  Be proud of your work and work hard.  Remember your working for the Lord. Learn from other peoples mistakes and your own.The list goes on and on. 

Without my family I wouldn't be who I am.  I have learned from their mistakes and mine.  They have helped me be a stronger person and have always supported me and gave me critique when I needed it.  I'm not say my family is perfect, because all families have their dysfunctions/quirks.  But its those quirks that make your family special/unique. 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Working Out!

Don't we all wish we could do that?

I am super excited about working out.  I just joined Work Out World, because my good friend, Sheena and I decided we need to get ready for bathing suit season.  We both admitted we needed someone to help motivate us to go work out.  WE ARE GOING TO BE WORK OUT BUDDIES!  So we decided we would set up 3 days a week that we would go to WOW, and if we wanted to go more we would call each other.  This whole work out thing started because our work has a program through our health insurance on losing weight, and getting a discount at fitness centers. So I hope to lose 10 lbs and tighten up my core area, and Sheena wants to lose 8 lbs.

Do you suffer from the motivation issue to, to go work out?

Wish me luck, that we can keep the motivation going to lose the weight and keep it off! :-)